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A comprehensive journey into a new paradigm of medicine and consciousness!
Online suite of courses coming this year...

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This course is the culmination
of my entire journey so far, through
many quantum leaps in awareness - bringing
you the most powerful lessons I have been blessed enough to be gifted by the Universe. I truly feel there is no other course like it available - my truth has taken me so far against the grain that what I have to lovingly share here is truly unique and revolutionary.

If my energy and message resonates and sparks curiosity within you because you are ready to free yourself from the endless draining merry-go-round of trying to find healing but never feeling like you've found the answers and freedom you are seeking and you're ready for a whole new paradigm of simplicity, alignment, truth, and good news - then I
would be honoured to welcome you
into and guide you through this
transformational journey.

Come & transform in the chrysalis

Re-emerge is a comprehensive journey of transformation that has the power to bring you into an entirely new paradigm of wellness. Through the 40+ hours of this suite of interactive video courses you will go through an in depth process of:


Looking deeper and learning to navigate how to find truth in a world of illusions upheld to keep you a forever consumer and patient,

Discovering the difference between ‘fixing’ or ‘treating’ vs ‘aligning and resolving’,

Reclaiming your power by knowing how to think rather than accepting what to think,

Shifting long-held sabotaging beliefs into empowering beliefs to radically shift the ‘software’ you are running your life off,

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Shifting old habitual unconscious patterns into conscious resourceful responses and conscious creation,

Decoding symptoms to understand what the body is communicating,

Undertaking deep inner healing work through your entire energy system and all the deepest roots of suffering,

Internalizing ancient wisdom and connecting to the inner fountain of your own innate wisdom,

Creating a solid foundation of self-trust and acceptance,

Learning how to help any children in your life,

Discovering how to truly align to the laws of nature and how to implement it immediately in your life,

And transforming into the truest expression of yourself as an infinite eternal magnificent fractal of Divinity where you will not only reclaim sovereignty over your own health and wellbeing by taking full ownership, but stepping firmly into the role of creative director of your destiny – because this is about so much more than health – this is about making the absolute most of this precious fleeting human life. This is about clearing away all the distortions and illusions and all that you are not, so you can get on with living and enjoying this wild ride once and for all.

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True transformation...

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What really makes this journey so transformational is that
the information and insight does not just remain as accumulated knowledge that is easy to either totally discard despite good intentions or to claim we understand only to turn around and violate through our hard-to-break habitual unconscious patterns – but is turned into deep internalized wisdom integrated through carefully designed belief re-wiring sessions throughout the journey, utilizing a powerful energy psychology modality called PSYCH-K® (highly recommended by the legendary stem-cell biologist, Dr Bruce Lipton PhD, author of ‘The Biology of Belief’).

Suite outline...


We look at where we are now and where we want to be. This is an honest and thorough look at the current paradigm of how we relate to health and life overall in modern society and how distorted perceptions from the mainstream have formed the foundation of even the natural and alternative cultures and medicine, and how these belief systems have infiltrated the subconscious ‘software’ of our minds and how this is reflected in our current results. We will then do powerful re-wiring work to transform the common limiting beliefs that are holding us back into deeply internalized empowering beliefs to propel us towards success.
(5 hours 38 minutes pre-recorded material + 4 hours of live coaching and belief re-wiring energy psychology sessions + access to general Q&A live sessions [fortnightly])


We take a deep dive into the science of the Biological Laws and start to get familiar with the map of how our body’s tissues responds to different danger signals from the psyche and start to decode and identify our own current symptoms and what they are expressing on a deeper psychological and instinctual biological level. We also start to look at a key mineral balance that has been disrupted as modern life takes us further away from our Oneness with Mother Nature, and how this impacts our minds ability to cope with stress. We learn the importance of raising our resilience threshold. This module is another comprehensive break down of many myths and illusions in health, and a recalibration back to the awareness of the breathtaking Divine intelligence of nature and our bodies, giving even the rational mind a sound scientific understanding of why we get to trust our body deeply. This module will include live coaching and group energy neural re-wiring work to truly internalize the new empowering perspectives brought to the light of awareness throughout this module.


This is where we go on a profoundly transformational healing journey of foundational conflict resolution, through the chrysalis to find our wings and soar into self-sovereignty, freedom and wellbeing. This process is an exploration and internalization of the timeless ancient wisdom of Buddhist Lojong mind training and heart awakening, as well as a healing journey through all 7 chakras as we shed all that is not truly us and allow our ego to be reborn as higher and higher expressions of the truth of our soul. We integrate the higher and lower aspects of our being, realizing our Wholeness and sending the body a new signal of safety so that we can begin to resolve our internal conflicts and allow our body to complete it’s perfectly designed healing process. Before we launch into this deep healing work, we first look over what to expect when navigating the healing journey in terms of what may come up physically and emotionally and how to navigate intervention and injury, and create a support network around us.


While the ‘Journey through the Chrysalis’ will provide the main foundational process for resolving the root of all conflicts, this section of the suite will be compiled over time to create a map of the emotional terrain of different biological conflicts behind the range of symptoms of each organ/tissue of the body to provide deeper understanding and a more specific path to resolution for each type, including a set of affirmations and a guided visualization process to re-wire the subconscious mind with. Here we use our symptoms like a message in a bottle that brings us a way to understand what’s going on at a deeper level in our psyche, so that we can alchemize the lead of our struggles into the gold of our greatest strengths.


This is a completely holistic guide to returning to alignment with all the key aspects required not only to keep a human alive, but for us to have the chance to thrive. In a world that is obsessed with finding the perfect diet; and avoiding every carcinogen and impurity; and being on the best range of supplements no matter how complicated and expensive; and finding the most effective detox or parasite cleanse or the next practitioner or protocol; and attempting to achieve the perfect labs (or at least have some sense of control over ‘improving the ranges’); and attempting to prevent anything ‘bad’ manifesting in our health…here is the antidote to the perpetual, exhausting, unsustainable cycle of complication and false control.  We will explore what true nourishment really means, and how little all of the above really does for our wellbeing and in fact how sabotaging it is! We will cover the nine main aspects required to build a solid foundation of wellness, vitality, strength, resilience and robustness. This course will holistically delve into how to make your life your medicine within the framework of these key areas of: Oneness with Source/God (unity consciousness, authenticity, and intuition); purpose; connection/relationships; sex; light; nutrition; movement; inner anchoring (meditation, breath work); and sleep/rest.


We explore what we can do to navigate childhood health issues and support our children to become the most true, free, vibrant versions of themselves to create secure attachment, emotional safety, resilience, self-love, and worthiness so that they can trust their own inner guidance and grow into their own pair of strong magnificent wings and soar into a life of wellness and fulfilment. Learn how to avoid making the most common mistake that actually pushes our children away and undermines our efforts to support their wellbeing. This is not just for parents - I would encourage all humans to take this course as it truly does take a village to raise a child and the impact we can have on humanity by get involved with the nurturing of all the children in our community and supporting parents in this sacred work is invaluable. And not only does this guidance relate to our bond with the actual children in our lives, but I will also explain how to apply it to our inner child as we continue the healing journey of supporting that version of ourselves to heal, mature and integrate into a the fully grown-up secure adult that we get to be, while of course always maintaining our sense of play, fun, wonder and curiosity.

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